Isabela Island, Ecuador : Isabela Island in the Galápagos Islands chain, Ecuador : Spotlight Image
Isabela Island, Ecuador
Isabela Island isn’t just the biggest of the 18 principle Galápagos Islands, but on the other hand it’s one of the most youthful. Truth be told, volcanic calderas on the island despite everything emit now and again, further expanding the island’s size. Six volcanoes converged to frame this land mass that, from above, takes after the state of a seahorse. What’s more, in light of the fact that the island is so youthful (‘just’ around a million or so years), it comprises for the most part of volcanic fields and hardscrabble ground, without a plenitude of vegetation. Figure this may be an impediment to untamed life? Indeed, this is the Galápagos, a biodiversity hotspot, so Isabela Island is crammed with a surprising cluster of fauna, a large portion of which is endemic to the island chain.
Isabela Island in the Galápagos Islands chain, Ecuador : Windows 10 Spotlight Image Microsoft Edge New Tab Inspirational Image