The Storseisundet Bridge at Eide and Averøy, Norway : Microsoft Edge New Tab Image

The Storseisundet Bridge at Eide and Averøy, Norway : The Road To Nowhere

Overwhelming for those behind a camera focal point—and likely in any event a touch of overwhelming for those in the driver’s seat—Storseisundet Bridge is maybe the most astonishing stretch of a dumbfounding motorway. The Atlantic Ocean Road comes to an obvious conclusion of a rough archipelago to a territory promontory on Norway’s west coast. The excursion is just around five miles in length, yet the street highlights boulevards, viaducts, and eight scaffolds, the champion being this 850-foot cantilevered range. From certain points, the bended extension seems as though it closes suddenly, high over the saltwater waves underneath. From different points of view, similar to the one here, Storseisundet seems like something Godzilla attempted to push out of his way.

This image is taken from the microsoft edge browser’s inspirational page layout and posted here. If you like this image you can get it from below given source.

Storseisundet Bridge, Norway

You may have also see this image on windows 10 lock screen. these images appears on the lock screen are known as windows spotlight images. Enjoy the view.

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